     This page contains links to Matlab source code for algorithms that may be of use or interest to various remote sensing or imaging specialists.  Most of these are intended for the evaluation of imaging sensor performance, and their ability to produce an equalized image.

Many of the algorithms presented are not necessarily novel.  However, if you do decide to use the code or algorithms, Serious Science would appreciate your citing us as their source.

This code was not created by a professional programmer, and therefore a user should not expect a high degree of efficiency or elegance from the code.

Serious Science, LLC provides no warranty for the accuracy, efficiency, or correctness of these algorithms or code.  Use of the code, algorithms, or the results of their implementation is solely the risk of the user.  Serious Science cannot be held liable for any damages from the downloading, copying, dissemination, implementation or execution of this code or these algorithms.
Dynamic Range Compaction

Coherent Noise Detection

Streaking and Banding Measurement

Correlated Noise Detection

Serious Science LLC
           Where science fiction becomes fact.
Handy Equations
Imagery Examples
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